MeinVideo - The video platform by employees for employees - Mein Video – The videoportal by employees for employees

Due to a system update, the DB Mediathek will be offline for about 2 hours on Friday, May 3rd, from 10 AM. In this time, a maintenance page will be on display.

Your Mediathek team

MeinVideo - The video platform by employees for employees

Welcome to MeinVideo INTERNET

Here you’ll find videos by employees for employees. All video clips in the public MeinVideo  channel are freely accessible to employees of Deutsche Bahn. You only have to log on first with your MeinVideo/Mediathek account. If you have no account yet please register first.

Registration as an employee is only possible with an email address of Deutsche Bahn. This includes the email domains *, * and other domains of domestic and foreign subsidiaries. The list can be requested via

We wish you much fun and maybe new findings watching the videos!
